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Product Questions

Are your books limited editions? Are there going to be a specific limited number printed?

Our campaigns are First Edition printing of this project. There will only be one print of this First Edition, and supplies will be limited once that printing is done. Depending on the project, there may be a Second Edition printing at a later time, though the Second Edition will be marked 'Second Edition' and may have less features than the First Edition (no signature, no gilding/coloring, less art, etc.)

Shipping Questions

I backed one of your campaigns on Kickstarter. When will my pledge items be delivered?

While it usually takes no more than 8 to 10 months to deliver a book project, Wraithmarked most often sets its estimated delivery dates 14 months after the Kickstarter campaign ends. This is to account for potential delays that can happen at any point in the process, which can be anything from an artist handing art in a week late to a printer getting hacked and being out of commission for 3+ months (both have happened to us in the past). As such, we try to create a cushion to prevent late delivery.

Anticipated fulfillment dates for different reward tiers can be found on the individual tiers!

How much is shipping?

All of our shipping costs are shown if you click the green "Pledge" button on any of our tiers. That said, generally speaking, our prices for a single book* are as follows:

United States: $12
European Union, United Kingdom, and Canada: $20
Everywhere Else: $35

*Tiers that have multiple books will most often have reduced shipping costs per book.

Refund Questions

How do I request a refund on a product that I haven't received yet?

As a rule, Wraithmarked Creative does not provide refunds after a campaign ends. Once a pledge has been processed, not only has Kickstarter claimed their 5% fee, but credit card fees have also been processed. Wraithmarked cannot recuperate those, so every refund costs us 7%+ of that pledge. If we've already put in the purchase orders for the rewards, that cost increases exponentially.

That being said... we have been known to make exceptions for cases of financial hardship. If you are in financial hardship and need us to refund you for your pledge, you can reach out to with the subject 'Financial Hardship Refund Request' and let us know that you are seeking a refund for financial security reasons, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.